Lm-sensors i2c tools
By default these tools link to the library dynamically but "make install" does not install the library. To do that, use "make install-lib" with root priveledge, of course. Optionally, you can run "make strip" prior to "make install" if you want smaller binaries. However, be aware that this will prevent any further attempt to debug the library and tools.
If you wish to include sub-directories that are not enabled by default, then just set them via the EXTRA make variable. See these manual pages for command line interface details and tool specific information. The other tools come with simple text documentation, which isn't installed.
Topics abandoned unmaintained. Releases No releases published. Packages 0 No packages published. Contributors 2. You signed in with another tab or window. The innovative time-of-flight technology allows performance independent of object reflectance. DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor 3. Micro USB port 5. Soil probe long soil temperature and humidity detection module 6.
This capacitive Description: This is RGB and Gesture Sensor, a small breakout board with a built in APDS sensor that offers ambient light and color measuring, proximity detection, and touchless gesture sensing. This is, in fact, the same sensor that the Samsung Galaxy S5 uses and is probably one of the best gesture sensors on the market for the price.
So be careful when you use it. We've carried various MAXIM thermocouple amplifiers and they're great - but thermocouples don't have the best accuracy or precision, for when the readings must be as good as can be.
Connect to it with any microcontroller over SPI and read out the AO, analog output, real-time output voltage signal of the microphone2. DO, when the sound intensity reaches a certain threshold, the output high and low signal. How to Place an Order. Best Sellers. Price BDT 3. Price BDT 2.
Price BDT 5. Price BDT On sale! Description The Original LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit temperature sensors, with an output voltagelinearly proportional to the Centigrade temperature. BDT Read the 24 reviews Average rating: 4. Share Share Tweet Pinterest. Store Pickup Available! Quality Product. No Warranty. No Replacement. Description Product Details Comments Description. Description The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit temperature sensors, with an output voltagelinearly proportional to the Centigrade temperature.
Git stats commits. Failed to load latest commit information. View code. These tools were originally part of the lm-sensors project but were finally split into their own package for convenience. These scripts rely on the "eeprom" kernel driver. They are installed by default. These tools rely on the "i2c-dev" kernel driver. They are not installed by default. Installed by default.