Mipi alliance specification for camera serial interface 2 pdf
Mipi Csi2. Uploaded by Varun Shanker Trivedi. Did you find this document useful? Is this content inappropriate? Report this Document. Flag for inappropriate content. Download now.
Related titles. Carousel Previous Carousel Next. Jump to Page. Search inside document. Nguyen Nhat Han. Taeho James Kim. Munish Kumar. Mani Kandan. Harikrishnan Shunmugam. John Berg. The adoption of MIPI specifications by the mobile industry has fostered interoperability between component vendors and resulted in a huge vendor community, which in turn has significantly lowered costs, widened choice, and reduced complexity for developing and integrating advanced cameras and displays within electronic devices.
Developer communities have also built up around MIPI CSI-2 and DSI-2, providing developers with software tools and other resources such as example code and drivers to help developers get started with the interfaces. Leveraging the interoperability provided by these specifications, an ecosystem of specialist camera and display vendors has also emerged, offering a range of camera and display modules that developers can connect to the developer kits.
The array of available MIPI compatible camera modules is staggering and includes low-, medium- and high-resolution standard cameras, monochrome infrared cameras, stereoscopic cameras and 3D time-of-flight cameras. A similarly impressive range of DSI-2 compatible displays is also available, with multiple screen sizes and resolutions.
With such a range of modules to choose from, developers can easily match the perfect camera and display modules to meet their specific target use cases.
The list above is not exhaustive -- there are many other developer kits that support MIPI camera and display interfaces. Review a full list of 96board Consumer Edition developer kits. MIPI I3C is the faster, lower power, lower pin count successor of the I 2 C interface and is used to connect sensors and other ancillary components to an application processor. It is clear that the high speed, lower power and low complexity MIPI CSI-2 and DSI-2 interfaces are widely supported by a range of different developer kits — from basic kits costing just a few dollars to powerful high-end kits supporting the very latest AI and machine vision capable hardware.
In addition, all the kits described in this article are supported with high-quality developer resources including tutorials, software tools, example code and developer forums, making the MIPI CSI-2 and DSI-2 interfaces accessible to the developer community and easily leveraged for any application that requires a camera or display capability.
Application Processor. Indicative Cost. RPi 4 Model B. Jetson TX2. Jetson Nano. Previous versions: CSI-2 v3. Skip to main content. Join the Mailing List. Quick Facts Advantages.
Widely used in mobile devices and automotive applications. Physical Layer.