Qtp functional testing tool

Other addins were installed. I am not able to find any patch for. I am unabe to compare a bitmap image in a runtime with the one i load rather the bitmap checkpoint gives totally different results every time whenever i am using the same set of values. Hi, I have installed QTP 11 on my machine. I am unable to open sql developer after installing QTP. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks Shafi. Do send me the exact link where i can get it. Srikanth: Please check the FAQs section here.

Hi all, my question is what is the use of recording step to generate scripts in real life situation? How many process possible to create script for QTP? Thanks for the help. Legally it is not possible to install it again, unless you format the OS. It will however be in a beta mode. Thanks in advance. Please Help…. Can you provide more information on what error you are getting? It has many fixes.

If installing that service pack patch did not fixes that issue, then you have to report this to HP. My appplication is dotnet appln. But the application got migrated from Windows server to windows server Did you check what object recognition library you have loaded? Sounds to me like you have. NET windows forms loaded. Try changing it to just WEB. Also check these 16 tips when QTP is unable to identify an object , we published today.

When i open business components in UFT COuld anyone help me regarding this…. Hi Ankur, I am working on a javabased desktop application and devloping a framework. Most of the works on javatables. I am facing a problem during identifying javatable.

Object spy identify only table but not the childobjects. So,do we need any patch or addin for this. I am using QTP Right now i am using 30days trial version. When the 30days period will be over 1 Is it possible to download and install the trail version again on the same machine i am using right now?

Ankur — Thanks for the reply. Vijay: Yes. It should be identified as a browser. Please check if your version of Chrome is compatible with Chrome v Ankur — Can you please let us know, what is the meaning of only replay support with Chrome? Vijay: Please check this link. Think of an application as being two parts. First part is what the user actually sees on their computer. It takes input from the user and displays information back.

Second part is where the client application receives input from the user and sends a request for information to the server which then sends back the required information so the application can display it on the screen. THIS is what Loadrunner tests. The interaction between the client application and the server that hosts the information required by the client application. It basically pulls up the application and goes through the script, but the application HAS to be installed and is visible during runtime.

I got lots of information. Thank you and God Bless you. Using QTP, we can login to the application using many users. Even during performance testing we create VUsers and login to the application using many users.

Here is a great article that discusses one option for this. Remember, QTP is just a scripting tool. It was created to mimic a Use Case where the user is performing tasks and validating results. It would be nice to be able to choose between VBScript and JavaScript on startup of the application though. Can Scripts be cross browser compatible?

We create our scripts against IE 9 and then test and tweak against firefox, chrome and safari. We have found that most of the time the scripts will work with firefox with minimul adjusting of the scripts. Chrome and Safari are a different matter as they have totally different engines. Through Parameterizing, OR and Global Dictionary it IS possible to use one set of components and scenarios and run them over multiple browsers.

There is hope they will change this as they have done so already on their support website. I know this lead to a lot of confusion when we were getting Management to sign off on Purchase Orders. Good Article Ankur. In other words, Site License and Area License. Important Point that these are two very seperate license files and both come in Seat or Concurrent options. Unified Functional Testing licenses cost a little more than Functional Testing licenses since they allow users off site to access concurrent QTP on one licensing server.

In QTP, it is the expert view. Hi Aishwarya. It is from where QTP scripts are created and executed. Hope this helps! Your email address will not be published. All articles and tutorials on this site are contributed by the expert team under the guidance of Ankur.

Browse by topic: Click any of the links below to jump to each topic on this page. Concurrent License This is a network based license that can be used by multiple users at the same time. To test this scenario manually, you would generally follow these steps — Open web browser Enter the URL of the application. Verify that login is successful Now consider a case where you have to test this login functionality many a times or you have to test the same functionality for large number of different users say a or more users.

This version was able to test websites to ensure they meet the requirements of Section , an amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of QuickTest Professional 6. As stated earlier, QTP is a functional and regression testing tool.

Regression testing is important as some new changes in software should not affect the existing functionality of the software. Functional testing is having the same importance as regression testing. Ultimately user concerns about functionality, therefore product should be delivered with the proper testing phase. These testing procedures have their own time and energy requirements. Now, Quick Test Professional comes into the picture, it tries to solve problems faced by testers. It saves time and energy which is wasted by doing the same steps repeatedly.

It helps testers to perform testing with minimal efforts. In the case of QTP, once the test script is written, there is no need for monitoring also. This feature also allows non-technical users to develop scripts.

It allows supplying multiple sets of data to the application using various data tables and external sources. It allows user interface viewing results in the Result Viewer option. These all functionalities make working with QTP very easy. It allows the generation of scripts without writing them line by line..

The feature record and playback makes it very easy. Now, when tester wants to perform the same steps as done previously, he just uses the playback feature. The script performs the same steps as required. Although It is mainly used for UI based test case automation, it can also be used to automate some Non-UI based test cases such as database testing, file system operations or web service testing.

QTP allows the performing of testing by the User Interface way. It works by the way; it identifies the objects on the screen and related operations such as mouse click or keyboard input. Since it is an HP product, full support is provided by HP and by its forums for addressing technical issues.

Not all versions of Browsers are supported and the testers need to wait for the patch to be released for each one of the major versions. Pavan Lalwani. QTP - Introduction Advertisements. Previous Page.


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