Uncharted 3 game save ps3

You can shoot the enemies from up here, or you can drop down and collect the Wes revolver, an extremely powerful weapon. After the shootout, head up the stairs to break the door in, with some help from Sully.

Now drop back down, then drop again through the hole in the floor. Approach the body for a scene. Descend through the trapdoor to enter another puzzle room. Check your journal for a pattern of symbols that looks awfully similar to the ones in this room.

To solve this puzzle, start at the bottom of the note in the journal and work your way up, finding the path that will allow you to step on the tiles in the correct pattern. Alternatively, follow this pattern from the first symbol: go forward, then left, forward, right, forward, forward, left, down, left, forward, forward, right, right, right, forward, left, and step on the final symbol.

This will open a path to a secret laboratory. On Sully's suggestion, check out the plate in the middle of the room. Press SELECT to decode the writing, then open the secret passage and drop in to the cave, leading to yet another puzzle.

Here's how it works: press Triangle to use the device in the middle, which can move the four symbols that start on the corners of the grid on the wall.

Move the right stick to select the symbol and the left stick to move it. To actually figure out the answer to the puzzle, the journal offers some clues, but the most useful information is in the panels on the floor that display different shapes depending on what adjacent stone panel you stand on.

The other key to understanding the puzzle is the fact that each set of panels is near a relief depicting one of the four symbols. If you check the journal, you can see that Laurence has solved the eagle's location already, and he knows where the horse goes relative to the eagle which is good, because the horse relief and panels are missing.

If you still can't figure the puzzle out, don't feel too bad; neither could Lawrence of Arabia. The eagle goes on the bottom row in the middle column.

The horse goes on the leftmost column on the fourth row down. The bull goes on the third row down and the fourth column from the left. The lion goes on the second column from the left and the second row down. This will open a passage, which will lead to a scene, and another as you leave. Stay near Sully to keep the spiders away. If a spider gets on you, press Square to shake it off. Follow Sully's lead and give him a boost, then jump up and grab Sully's hand.

A huge chase scene will follow as you run from the swarm of spiders. Help Sully up when he falls, and though you'll stumble shortly afterward, press on toward the door before you are overwhelmed. Once you get through the door, you're not in the clear yet. Continue running toward the screen, and when you come to an obstructive ledge, climb up. Be sure to knock any spiders off of you before they kill you. Continue running up the stairs, and at the end of the stairs, jump to the window where Sully is standing.

After escaping the spider lair, drop down into the nearby hole. To reach the opposite side of this chasm, run over to the right and use the ledges near this hole in the wall to cross. Jump across to the chandelier, then quickly shimmy around and jump to the other side before it falls. Climb up to the ledge on the upper floor, and you'll end up bringing the floor down to your level.

Doesn't seem like that would be very stable Anyway, climb up and, instead of following Sully, turn around to find a traversable ledge on your right. Now you can go ahead and follow Sully into the next room, where you can drop through the floor to advance. After the scene, shoot the gas tanks in the hands of the thugs to kill them both.

Now, climb across the ledge above another thug and jump across to the opposite ledge, just as he sets fire to the chateau. Now thugs will appear above; shoot them from the ledge facing them so you'll be in cover. When you climb up, you'll have to tap O to escape a scripted grab and press Triangle to counter an enemy that tries to attack you during the grab. Run over to the beam Sully is trying to cross and knock it down for him.

Take out the enemies that appear from behind him as well as those on the upper level, then give Sully a boost as he requests. It won't work out exactly as planned, unfortunately. Luckily, an enemy will shoot through the wall and reveal an escape. Eliminate this buffoon and run through the exit he creates. Run down the staircase, then up a few more stairs, and you'll fall into a new area. Walk along the diagonal beam nearby, and when it breaks, jump up to the ledge above.

Climb up and monkey across a few beams, then drop down to an unstable ledge. From here, swing across to Sully's position. As you enter the next room, another brutish enemy will attack.

The first way to fight him is by countering and performing follow up attacks, as the first chapter taught you. The smart way is to unload a rifle clip into his head as he comes up. Now descend the stairs, fighting enemies along the way, until you reach the door. Your enemies will unfortunately close the door on you, but a helpful enemy will shoot at you and conveniently indicate where you need to climb up to next, using the adjacent wooden ramp.

Again, as you approach the next door, some burning beams will come crashing down on the other side, and you'll have to find an alternate path. Approach the hole in the wall and the floor will drop, sending you down to a burning staircase. Climb up and run up the stairs, mounting a wooden barrier in your way. As Sully helps you up, shoot the two enemies that approach.

The stairs will give out, so jump across to the ledge. Quickly jump from ledge to ledge to the right, and climb up the next few ledges to get back up to the stairs. Run up the stairs some more, then when they collapse again , jump over to the ledge near Sully so you can help him up. Climb the broken stairs to reach solid ground. Drop down from here to the room below.

Fight the enemies and run through their position. When they're all dead, climb up the fallen upper floor, using it as a ramp. Run around to a ladder at the end and jump to it.

Climb up the ladder and jump across the breaking roof, then run away from the falling tower across the disintegrating rooftop. You'll have to run around to the left when the rooftop that Sully crosses falls apart. Keep running until you reach safety. Now for a change of scenery. Climb up on the left of the locked gate and climb to the right up to the next ledge. Here, cross the wall until you pass a hole in the wall marked off by wooden partitions. At the next gate, climb up the wall on the right, then shimmy to the right.

Once you fall, jump from ledge to ledge to climb right, then up. When you reach the topmost ledge, head left, then you can finally climb up to a window. Inside the building, you'll see guards patrolling below. You'll be able to take out the guard below you with a leaping stealth attack wait for the Square icon to appear in order to perform this move.

The enemy will drop a Mag 5. The second foe you should take out is the one taking cover; jump to the platform above him, then drop down and shimmy over to his location. Jump up to hang off the low wall he's hiding behind, then take him town with a stealth attack, dropping him to the ground.

From here, jump over to the platform, climb up, and perform a stealth attack on this foe from behind. For the last two foes, you can jump across to the opposite platform and drop down on the first one from above.

Then, climb back up and drop on the other one from above. If you successfully defeated every guard with a stealth attack, you'll get the "Expert Ninja" silver trophy. The Para 9 pistol is available here, and it is better than the. When you're done stocking up, unbar the door so Sully can get in. Approach the large wheels on either side of the next "door," and Sully will help you lower the drawbridge.

Cross the bridge and look for a treasure's glint on the wall ahead. Now go up to the gate and shoot the lock to open the door. Continue until you come to a well. Jump to the bucket, and Sully will lower it, then drop down.

If you go back and take a right initially, you'll come to a ledge you can reach by standing on a stone block. From here, shoot through the window to break the lock and allow Sully to enter. Then turn around and jump over the hole you just came from. You'l come to a gate, and this time Sully will shoot out your lock. When you emerge, turn and face the tower you just came out of. Now head into the main building for a scene. Head up the stairs, and you'll spot a few enemies.

There's a G-Mal to pick up here, a rifle with a decent scope that will prove useful at medium to long range. Head around to the right and perform a leaping steath attack on the guard below.

You can thin sneak along a fairly linear path from guard to guard, eliminating each with a stealth attack another opportunity for "Expert Ninja". Eventually, some guards will take up a position near the door, forcing you to fight them fair and square. Although there are some conveniently placed propane tanks nearby Head in the doorway. Follow the stairs up until you get a scene.

There are also several Raffica pistols in the area, which are the next step up in the regular pistols department. Now run all the way around this circular room until you reach the stairs in the center, which leads up to more goons to fight. Among these is an armored foe, who will be harder to bring down than your average joe. Grenades and headshots are a good way to go, though.

Head up the stairs from which these men emerged, and a giant rock will fall right in front of you. Climb over it and continue for a scene, after which you'll be hanging by a chain outside the tower. Swing back and forth until you have enough momentum to jump to the chain on the right, then swing again to reach the exposed bricks that will allow you to climb up. As you climb, you'll need to shoot foes that are attacking from above while strategically hiding yourself behind a projection to avoid a sniper's laser sight.

Jump to the chains on the left and swing across to a window where you can reenter the tower. On the next level, kill the remaining attackers to save your comrades. Open a wooden door, and you'll be attacked by a thug. Best way to take him out is with a grenade. When he's done with, open the door again and climb the stairwell. Go up to the terrace with Cutter and he'll uncover the infamous seal of Orichalcos.

At this point, I had a wierd glitch where Cutter was looking at the landscape through the handle of his revolver, which I think was actually supposed to be a telescope or something.

As far as I'm aware, it's a harmless glitch. Check the journal, then stand on the seal and use the scope or the pistol butt if you encountered the glitch to find the North Star, which is the bottom star of the Little Dipper. From here, look down to find the not-so-hidden entrance. You'll then be attacked by enemies with rocket launchers, who are for some reason also immortal until you pick up the Dragon Sniper up ahead, after which you can snipe them with ease.

Go to the zipwire, only to be knocked down by a rocket. Run and jump along the path until you are once again knocked down by a rocket. Head around to the right and stealthfully eliminate the patrolling guard, then continue. Head around to take out his buddies from behind a wall with stealth. You'll have to fight numerous snipers and armored foes once you are detected, so try to take out as many enemies with stealth as possible.

When the last one goes down, head up the steps to the secret entrance you spied with your scope. Check your journal, then stand on the Seal of Orichalcos.

From here, press L1 to use the scope and look at the floor below you to focus on a star symbol like the one in your journal. Now move your focus upward to reveal the "real" secret entrance.

A battle will ensue as enemies below and in the buildings start sniping you. Two armored foes will try to come to your position, exposing them to a leaping melee attack. Once these enemies go down, head down to where they were to trigger more foes to spawn, including some more snipers.

Once the field is clear, approach the hole in the wall under an arch with a light. Exit through the top hole in the wall and reunite with your allies. Follow them to the pillars, then head around the corner for a really strange scene. Investigate the central pillar at Chloe's direction, and the chapter will end. Follow your friends down into the tunnel. Squeeze through the narrow pass with Cutter, then be ready for a fistfight when you come to the next tight squeeze.

Simply focus on countering attacks and escaping grabs, as your attacks will be ineffectual. After the fight, pass through the second narrow passage and drop down into the hole ahead. Go up the stairs and light all of the braziers above. Follow the corridor near the two braziers on the far right to find another brazier. From this location, throw your torch into the next brazier below with L2, then grab another from the first brazier before jumping down to the second.

From here, throw a torch up into the brazier above you. If you miss, there's another torch down here that you can collect. When all the braziers are lit, jump across to the chain hanging below you, jump to the next chain, and then use the left stick to redirect your swinging momentum so that you can jump to the stone stairs on the right. Now quickly run up the stairs and across the beam, then jump up to the lit brazier. Use the torch here to light the one on the other side of this chasm before swinging across on a chain.

From here, there's one more brazier to light, down and to your right. When it's lit, jump across to it and approach the wooden gate. Turn the crank on either side of the gate to the let the water flow. You may notice a glinting treasure on the wall on your right.

To get it, swim to the spot underneath it and shoot it, then grab it before it sinks below your reach. If the treasure sinks and becomes unreachable, you can load your last checkpoint to try again. Now swim across to Sully and Chloe and get back to the globe room.

Open the other water gate to begin a puzzle. Approach the pedestal in front of the globe and spin it until the projected landmasses line up with the actual landmasses of France, Syria, and Arabia on the globe. Head up to the newly arrived spiral staircase. Continue for a cutscene, then examine the wall that Chloe indicates. Now you'll be disarmed and forced to run. After the next scene, run down the stairs and leap onto the ascending henchman, then grab his gun.

Take cover and shoot the remaining enemies until the man with a riot shield comes out. Shoot his exposed limbs to kill him, or if you've picked up a grenade, use that. Not that you can pick up riot shields to use for yourself, though their durability can eventually run out. There will be another foe with a riot shield and one with armor, and you'll need to clear the way across the bridge for your allies.

When you reach the end, help Chloe open the door. You'll have to cross the wall, this time in the daylight, while fighting numerous foes with armor or shields. Afterward, help Chloe open a second door. Next stop: Yemen. You'll run into a roadblock ahead, but fortunately Elena knows another way around.

To bypass the next locked gate, take the obvious ladder on the building to the right. Climb up onto a balcony that leads into a building. Continue through the building to another ladder. Now you'll be in pursuit of a target in a suit. Jump across to the red bars and monkey across them. Swing across to a platform and leap over to a ledge then drop down a vertical pipe just as your target enters a building. Follow Talbot for a nasty surprise.

Now you'll be fistfighting in the market. If you want the "He's Gonna Need a Sturgeon" bronze trophy, you'll need to use fish to take out three of the guards. To do this, stand up next to a big fish on a counter, and when an enemy comes near, press Square to hit him with the fish for an instant knockout.

After these goons, a brute will come in and attack you. Again, counterattacks are essential for survival here. The brute will be followed by more regular thugs. As you follow Sully out of the market, keep an eye out for treasures. Now go back down and follow your companions. Climb down the ladder, but don't drop down at the bottom. As soon as you drop down, it's puzzle time. If you don't want to solve things yourself, here's the obvious answer: look for the tile on the floor with a moon symbol on it.

While standing here, line up the depiction with the marked pillars. Drake will order Sully and Elena over to the furthest pillars, so you need only to pull the nearest one that's marked on the drawing. This room contains a fork leading to two puzzle rooms. The first puzzle room contains numerous scattered cogs.

Obviously, you need to place the big cogs in big slots and the little cogs in the little slots. There are an abundance of little cogs, but one of the big cogs you need is up on a ledge. To reach it, climb up the pillar with ledges on it, then swing across the bars and shimmy across the beam to reach the cog. Now to place the cogs. As shown in the animation you saw as you crossed the bridge, the cross-shaped gears and the four-dot gears must turn in opposite directions.

To accompish this with the cogs, alternate between dot cogs and cross cogs, with the locked cross gear as your starting point. Now turn the wheel to complete the puzzle. You'll know that it worked when you hear a bat chirp.

Now for the puzzle itself. You need to place the light staff somewhere where it will complete the mural on the wall, which you can see in your journal.

The right place is somewhere on the right side of the room; you'll be able to tell when the random limbs form into a figure attacking the man in the picture with a spear. Place the staff at that point to complete the puzzle. Back in the main chamber, the central door will open and allow you to continue. Grab the first torch you see, then enter the next room and light the "brazier.

When you reach the door, you'll try and fail to get it open. Cover the door with your shotgun, shooting at the main swarm of spiders whenever they come near to disperse them.

Sully will give you more ammo if you run out. Finally, Elena will get the door open and you can escape. As you go to leave, Marlowe's men will throw down smoke grenades and ambush you. About 61, search results. Save, smile and save some more. Great Quality. Great Prices. Pre-owned Video Games Shop the best deals in games Save, smile and save some more.

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Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Often with the Uncharted franchise, particularly its PS3-era installments, it can be tricky to pin down a specific point in history where they take place.

The cargo plane seen in the movie is slightly more modern than the one Naughty Dog created for Uncharted 3. The Uncharted movie appears to be set in the present day, and lacks some of the earlys iconography that the initial trilogy utilized. While this might seem like an inconsequential departure at first, it ends up impacting the overall trajectory of the scene at several points.


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