Atari 800xl programs

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Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Atarimania aims to provide detailed information on all programs ever written, which means you should find nearly all "official" releases listed. Moreover, we are dedicated to preserving software in its original form whenever we can. As a result, we have decided to use simple abbreviations and color codes in the main table which lists the records so visitors can easily find out what the original versions of Atari 8-bit programs are meant to be, what we have and what we need.

Hopefully, this will also encourage visitors to contribute so we can fill in the blanks in the collection. The ultimate goal, of course, is to archive this rare software before it is completely lost or forgotten.

What follows is basically a small tutorial on how to read the database. Nothing really complicated but there are a few things you need to know Abbreviations The way we list our records is really nothing fancy: the titles are sorted alphabetically and you'll find information on the year of release and publisher as well. Commercial self-edited programs with just the name of the author will often have Smith, John as publisher.

A [no publisher] in the column indicates a public domain, freeware or shareware program released with just the author's name as reference. The last column is more interesting. Designs from Your Mind with Atari Graphics. Tom Rowley. Disk Guide - Atari and English - - 68 p. David L. Heller John F. David Heller. Easy Programming for the Atari Micros. Shiva Publishing Limited Eric Deeson.

Books Soori Sivakumaran. English - - 99 p. Books David D. Fortgeschrittene Prorammierung. Free Software for Your Atari. Games Ataris Play. Datamost Hal Glicksman Kent Simon. Games for the Atari. Games For Your Atari. Games for Your Atari Computer. Dell Paul Bunn. Get More From The Atari. Granada Technical Books Ian Sinclair.

Getting Started with the Atari XL. Phoenix Publishing Associates Peter Goode. Graphics and Animantion on the Atari. Hackerbook for Your Atari Computer. Hofacker Franz Berthold. Ed Lodi. How to Get the Most Out of Compuserve. Hofacker Sam D. How to Use Atari Computers.

Alfred Publishing Co. Michael Boom. Hayden Book Company Aubrey B. Jones, Jr. InfoWorld's Essential Guide to Atari. Scott Mace Editors of Infoworld.

Bill Carris. Inside Atari DOS. Books Bill Wilkinson. Itty Bitty Bytes of Space. Claire Bailey Passantino. Kids and the Atari. Datamost Edward H. Kids Working with Computers! English - - 47 p. Little, Brown and Company Ben Shneiderman. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. LOGO Physics. LogoWorks: Challenging Programs in Logo. Machine Language for Beginners. Books Richard Mansfield. Making the Most of your Atari. Interface Publications Paul Bunn.

Mapping the Atari. Books Ian Chadwick. Mapping the Atari - Revised Edition. Master Memory Map. English - - 36 p. Educational Software, Inc. Robin Alan Sherer.

Tom Marsha Staff of Micro magazinel. Matilda the Computer Cat. English - - 66 p. Howard Berenbon. My Atari XL and Me. Jack Walker. One Way To Write Anything. Picture This! An Introduction to Computer Graphics. Program Descriptions I for Hofacker Software. Elcomp Publishing, Inc. Winfried Hofacker.

David Heiserman. Programmierung des Marvin L. De Jong. Programming the Programming Your Atari Computer. Rainy Days Activities for the Atari. Nancy Mayer. Random Alley Adventure. Michael Orkin. School Days for the Atari. Science Fiction Computer Storybook The. Space Knights. Heller Robert Kurcina. Books Charles Brannon. Stimulating Simulations.


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