Flesher tool

Once you have completed the entire skin it is now ready to salt dry and send out to the tannery or for you to home-tan using your normal process. Here I have included a photo of this Whitetail skin which is half fleshed and half unfleshed so you can see what you are able to accomplish with the Flesh-All Mini-Flesher. Now moving on, if you tan your own skins you can also use the Mini Flesher to shave or thin down the pickled leather. Again using a flat surface you can easily thin down the thick areas by passing the Mini Flesher over the desired area.

You can thin the neck and forehead areas which are usually the thickest part on a Whitetail. You can also use the Mini Flesher to thin down the more delicate areas, it works great on the nostrils and nose areas over a fleshing beam. Around the eyes you can get right up to the inner eye skins themselves that will be tucked between the clay and glass eye on your mount.

As you can see here in this photo I shaved right on out to the tip of the eye skin and notice the lines from the serrated blade, much like it would look if you used a wire wheel while fleshing a bird skin. In closing I would like to add that the Flesh-All Mini-Flesher is just like any other tool, if you take care of it, it will last and give you great service.

Two of the most important things you can do to prolong the life of the Mini Flesher is to use a moisture trap on your air compressor. Moisture is the 1 enemy or pneumatic tools of any type. It will cause the inner workings of the air motor to rust and seize up. It is also important to lubricate your Mini Flesher after every use with a quality power tool oil, this will help to keep the rust away as well.

As always thanks for reading my articles. I can be reached at www. Skip to content. The Flesh-All Mini-Flesher. Previous Previous post: Repairs, Repairs, Repairs…. Next Next post: Whitetail Cape Shaving Related posts. Whitetail Cape Shaving December 5, Repairs, Repairs, Repairs…. December 5, Tuning Your Fleshing Blade November 7, Proper Guard Setting October 23, The Mini-flesher uses approximately 4 cubic feet per minute of air at 90 pounds of pressure to run at full speed. Only the highest quality materials are used in the construction of each FleshAll Mini-flesher.

All units are hand assembled and each is visually inspected for quality and any flaws in workmanship. Skip to content. The Original Flesh-All Mini-flesher. The Original Flesh-All Mini-flesher quantity. Categories: Fleshing Machines , Mini Fleshers. Used Dakota Pro Flesher Details.


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