Harvest moon sunshine islands ds rom downloads
I also need a ton of help identifying and fixing all the gendered terms, especially with the non-English scripts. If you think you can help out with editing any of the scripts, you can access the script source in the following links. Make edits or put in a note and I'll see to it all getting fixed up.
Version 1 Falling in love is one of the most memorable moments in any Harvest Moon game. So tell me, who is your happily ever after? A DS Emulator - This is the software that runs the game.
It is basically a software that mimics a DS. Here are my recommendations. You can download this on the main page. Change Log Version 1. There might be crashes during cut scenes. Please let me know if you crash after starting a game. To Do Various Sprite glitches Gotta fix all pronouns and gendered terms in the game. The stable is connected to the home, which kind of makes it hard for you to move around. However, it is similar to the older Harvest Moon such as those you would have probably played in Gameboy color, because it lets you expand the planting area.
Also, you have an outdoor pen where you can let your chickens eat and run around, saving you the hassle of chopping lumber to build it. You also get to have Windmills. So with more money saved, you can work on expansion and purchasing of needed farm tools.
Animals, tools, and expansion costs can be quite high so be wary of these. Unfortunately, the bachelor lineup is kind of boring so too bad for girls. The good news is, more can be expected from the bachelorette lineup. Share the LOVE! Uploaded by Bob Report.
Uploaded by alca Report. Tags: You will need to login to your EP account it's free to submit tags and other game information. Games you may like:. Thank you for your nomination. This game will soon be featured as our Retro Game of the Day!
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