Health program logic models
Food security increases. Knowledge of nutrition and healthy food preparation increases. Proximity to healthy food increases. Intermediate outcomes. Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables increases. Entrepreneurship increases. Health and well-being self-reports improve. Sense of community social connectedness increases. Small business activity increases. Stress decreases.
Ultimate outcomes. Academic proficiency scores increase. Diabetes rate decreases. Disability rates decrease. Emergency room admissions decrease. Employment rate increases. Food desert designated areas decrease. Health disparities decrease. High blood pressure rates decrease. High cholesterol rates decrease. They stated that the relationship between teachers and students is not ideal. Although the teachers are exposed to many training workshops, these are often irrelevant and inapplicable to their context and unique classroom circumstances.
The second phase of logic model development involved prioritizing issues and exploring determinants. Each of these issues was ranked according to a set of criteria: size, seriousness, effectiveness of solution, acceptability to the community, feasibility and legality.
Next, each of these criteria was rated from 1—3, given equal weight and a total was obtained. The decision on ranking of each criterion for each issue was made by the group keeping in mind evidence as well as community context. School drop-out and mental health received the highest overall ranking and were thus selected as primary outcomes for intervention. The specific choice of frameworks for this case was based on community and context. This focus on positive aspects was important, especially because the BBC environment is rampant with negative situations and high risks.
This pertains to the BBC youth, who have exhibited hope despite their restrictions. The detailed consent procedures applied for participation in this intervention facilitated community understanding. In regards to theoretical frameworks, Social Cognitive Theory was chosen Baranowski et al.
The interrelated aspects apply to the camp, where it is impossible to escape the influence of environmental conditions on health and behavior. Once the outcomes and conceptual frameworks were selected, the literature on determinants of mental health and school drop-out were reviewed.
Using a wide search strategy, determinants were explored and examined at a variety of levels McLeroy et al. These were linked to each of the main outcomes of ecologic influence from individual, to interpersonal peers, families , to organization schools and to those relevant to the larger environment context of Lebanon and the camp. For example, problem solving skills were identified as a determinant of mental health at the individual level, healthy parent— child relations at the interpersonal level, neighborhood safety at the community level, and access to education at the policy level.
A decision was made to focus only on the proximal determinants individual, interpersonal and organizational. Despite the recognized importance of distal structural factors in both these outcomes, the CYC acknowledged the impossibility of changing political, sectarian and legal factors linked to being a Palestinian refugee in Lebanon.
Identify stakeholders roles and responsibilities. Compose evaluation questions to focus the evaluation. Recognize process and outcome indicators. Compare and contrast methods for gathering evidence. Recognize sources used in identifying program standards. Discuss strategies to disseminate findings and share lessons learned. Contact Hours in Nursing Continuing Education The University at Albany School of Public Health is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Northeast Multistate Division, an accredited approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
Generic Continuing Education Credits 1. Enroll in training.