Microphone wont work vista
Test your internet connection. Results 1 to 9 of 9. Thread: mic won't work in Vista. Thread Tools Show Printable Version. I used my mic for skpye only and for my old mic i just plug it in the mic socket on my laptop and then a window pops up asking me if it is a "line in" or a "mic" or something else, I usually click on "line in" and the mic will work straight away. Now for the new cheap mic I bought, I assume that it will work just like my old mic but it just won't work.
After 2 hours in the control panel i decided if i could disable the mic then enable it again it would probably work. Now after i disable this device, the same window tells me that there is no audio device installed. The problem is, I can't find the way to enable this device again! I tried device manager, no luck. I regret making the decision on telling windows not to pop up the window when i plug in the mic, how do I tell it to pop up the window again when i plug in the mic? Thanks for the help.
Re: mic won't work in Vista Right-click the Sound icon in the notification area, and choose Recording Devices.
On the Recording tab of Sound, right-click an empty spot of the window, and put a checkmark next to "Show Disabled Devices" and "Show Disconnected Devices". Control Panel - Sound - Recording tab.. You should see a microphone there from your headset. If it's not there, the mic isn't being detected. If it doesn't have a green check mark icon by it, then it is not the default recording device.
The green check icon should be there on whatever default recording device is left when the mic is not connected. For example, mine defaults to the line in jack on my system. When I plug my headset into the front-panel inputs, the headset mic becomes the default recording device. But maybe on yours you have to switch it manually. Plug it in and see what happens. Find your mic in the recording devices, make sure the check icon is next to the mic.
If it's not there, manually move it by right-clicking on the mic and selecting "Set as Default Device". Make sure that your microphone or headset is connected correctly to your computer. The microphone volume is too low or does not appear to be working at all Try the following solutions: Make sure that the microphone or headset is connected correctly to your computer.
Make sure that the microphone is positioned correctly. Increase the volume of your microphone. In Input , select a microphone to see its properties. Make sure apps have access to the microphone If your microphone isn't detected after updating Windows 10, you may need to give your apps permission to use it. Others cannot hear me in Skype calls Make sure that your microphone or headset is the Skype default recording device.
Here's how: If Skype is not open, select Start , then Skype to open it. Need more help? Join the discussion. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank you! Any more feedback? The more you tell us the more we can help. Can you help us improve? Resolved my issue. Clear instructions.
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