Parkin microeconomics 9th edition powerpoint
If You're an Educator Download instructor resources Additional order info. From our global food shortage to global warming, economic issues permeate our everyday lives. In his Ninth Edition, Parkin brings critical issues to the forefront. Chapter-opening vignettes motivate readers and focus the chapter. In the Ninth Edition, these focus on current global issues like natural resources, economic inequality, and global warming.
Those topics are woven through the chapter to show the big-picture implications of the theory and the chapter culminates with a Reading Between the Lines feature. Reading Between the Lines shows students how to apply economic tools. At the end of each chapter, students use their new economic tools to evaluate a current news article and test their reasoning skills.
Parkin's diagrams show the action. With a consistent and meaningful use of color, each and every figure has been designed with the needs of students in mind. Graphs are paired with data tables, color-blended arrows show movement, diagrams are labeled with boxed notes, and extended captions provide study and review. In-text Review Quizzes reinforce major concepts.
These questions can be assigned and auto-graded in MyEconLab, which is a convenient way to encourage students to read the chapter before coming to class.
Interviews with Economists. With relevant advice geared toward beginners, students see how real people can make a difference in the discipline. Visit MyEconLab to learn more, take a tour , and request access. Complete integration between the book and MyEconLab: All end-of-chapter questions are available so students can make the most of their study time, and all in-text figures are animated with author narration within MyEconLab.
Learning through practice: For each chapter, students can self-study using the preloaded sample tests and tutorial resources, or they can complete instructor-assigned problems. MyEconLab automatically grades exercises—even graphing problems—so students get instant feedback and personalized Study Plans with links to additional learning tools. Economics in the News: Michael Parkin selects news stories daily to bring economic concepts to life for students. Thought-provoking questions accompany each featured story and are assignable in MyEconLab.
Online instructor tools: Within MyEconLab, instructors can assign preloaded or customized multiple-choice, graphing, algorithmic, and free-response questions. Exercises are auto-graded, and MyEconLab records the results in an online gradebook to effortlessly track student progress. Economic Videos featuring ABC News: Each video in this series presents an issue using ABC News footage accompanied by commentary from economists to show students the economics behind the news.
Visit Economics Videos for more information and to view a demo. Visit MyEconLab for more information. Download instructor resources. Additional order info. Access Code Card. Pearson offers affordable and accessible purchase options to meet the needs of your students. Connect with us to learn more. On-line Supplement. Download instructor resources. Additional order info. Buy this product. K educators : This link is for individuals purchasing with credit cards or PayPal only.
An engaging, practice-oriented approach to understanding core economic principles Foundations of Microeconomics introduces students to economic principles they can use to navigate the financial decisions of their futures. Each chapter concentrates on a manageable number of ideas, usually 3 to 4, with each reinforced several times throughout the text.
This patient approach helps guide students through unfamiliar terrain and focus them on the most important concepts and key skills like reading and interpreting graphs. The 9th Edition continues to fine tune the content with more concise points, while bringing it to life with interactive and digital features that create excitement and engagement. It also motivates with compelling issues and questions, and encourages learning with activities and practice questions, to help students grasp and apply economic principles to the real world.
After using these materials, students will have the foundational knowledge of how the economy works and can apply it to their lives going forward. This flexible digital platform combines unrivaled content, online assessments, and customizable features so you can personalize learning and improve results, one student at a time.
Learn more about MyLab Economics. Plus, give students anytime, anywhere access with Pearson eText Pearson eText is an easy-to-use digital textbook available within MyLab that lets students read, highlight, and take notes all in one place. For instructors not using MyLab, Pearson eText can also be adopted on its own as the main course material. Learn more about Pearson eText. Download Preface. This material is protected under all copyright laws, as they currently exist.
No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. Pearson eText is an easy-to-use digital textbook available within MyLab that lets students read, highlight, and take notes all in one place.
If youre not using MyLab, students can purchase Pearson eText on their own or you can assign it as a course to schedule readings, view student usage analytics, and share your own notes with students. Fine-tuned content focuses on core concepts while also reflecting the current economy.
Check out the preface for a complete list of features and what's new in this edition. Getting Started 2. The US and Global Economies 3. The Economic Problem 4. Elasticities of Demand and Supply 6. Government Actions in Markets 8. Taxes 9.
Externalities Public Goods and Common Resources Consumer Choice and Demand Perfect Competition Monopoly Monopolistic Competition Markets for Factors of Production Economic Inequality. Important: To use the test banks below, you must download the TestGen software from the TestGen website. If you need help getting started, read the tutorials on the TestGen site.