Sapcontrol command windows
D00 is the CI instance and instance number is This will be the first process to be started. Alert Moderator. Alerting is not available for unauthorized users. Assigned Tags. Similar Blog Posts. Related Questions. You must be Logged on to comment or reply to a post. Marco Bortolon. This blog is unreadable, can you format the syntax? Like 0 Share. Right click and copy the link to share this comment. Yaroslav Zorenko. Like 1 Share. Link Text. Open link in a new tab.
No search term specified. Showing recent items. Search or use up and down arrow keys to select an item. The process is started by the start service, which ideally is started by the sapinit script when the operating system is booted.
You can also still use the startsap and stopsap scripts to start and stop the instance standard procedure in older releases. On Windows the instance is started directly by the start service process sapstartsrv. The start service is started automatically when the operating system is booted. The two terms are often used incorrectly and this can cause confusion. Below is a definition of the most important entities contained in ABAP, Java, and dual stack systems.
Their relationship to each other is also described. SAP system — installed software system that provides a defined set of functionalities that are part of an SAP solution. These functionalities are implemented in a set of software components. An SAP system is installed and configured as a unit. Application server instance — administrative unit that puts together components of an SAP system running on one physical host.
Application server instances provide the actual data processing functions of a system and offer the corresponding services. Instances are started, stopped, and monitored as one unit.
There can be multiple instances belonging to the same system or to different systems on one host. An instance can be uniquely identified by the host name and a two-digit instance number.
There are three different types of systems: The ABAP system, the Java system, and the dual-stack system, which offers both technologies in one system.