Windows 2003 active directory replication interval

After connecting them use the support tools to check for problems:. If a domain controller does not replicate for an interval of time that is longer than the tombstone lifetime, lingering objects will occur. For more information, please refer to:.

Information about lingering objects in a Windows Server Active Directory forest. Hope it helps. DON'T disconnect them, if they are over the tombstone lifetime you run into trouble. The domain controllers have been disconnected from each other. How do I get them to replicate again?

The default tombstone lifetime on Windows server R2 is 60 days. Windows server R2 SP2 is days. If no value is shown as output it is 60 days, otherwise you should see a different number. If you are over the tombstone lifetime demote the outdated DC and promote it again.

That way the replication will start again. They have been disconnected for roughly 27 days right now. Problem is that i'm waiting on a third party to install a VPN connection in order to re-connect to the other DC. I have no idea how long it will take these guys to get the VPN back up, but guessing from experience it will be a while! Thanks for the information I will need this command when the VPN is back up.

Depending on network load and conditions at the time, on occasion replication could take up to 2 hours. I wouldn't say it has taken longer than 2 hours Bear in mind that the network link between servers in this instance would have been running at a massive load all day.

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Viewed 2k times. Improve this question. Kyle Brandt Kyle Brandt That would be an important distinction. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Zypher Zypher Where is that within in sites and services? Default site ip link in the interlink transports? There is also the NTDS schedule, is that the same thing with one overriding the other, or are those different things? Okay, couple more questions :- So, If I set a particular to site to a faster schedule.

Best Answer. Thai Pepper. Ccraddock This person is a verified professional. Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional. View this "Best Answer" in the replies below ». R3b00t Jul 17, at UTC. Thanks again. Ccraddock, I will wait a couple of hours and see what happens, else 15 minutes it is. Ccraddock wrote: Make sure you do that setting on all your site links yes, there are only two site links and both were changed. Aussupport Jun 29, at UTC. Ccraddock Thai Pepper.

This works on Server site to site ad replication! Thanks a lot! JitenSh This person is a verified professional. Too late to answer: There are two types of Active Directory replication based on site topology. Intrasite and Intersite replication. In intrasite replication, all the domain controllers inside the same site will replicate each other. In Intersite replication, Selected Domain controllers of two different sites will replicate during a specified interval.

Domain controller which is assigned for replication over the site is called Bridge Head Servers. The interval for Intrasite Replication: Intrasite replication occurs automatically on the basis of change notification.


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