Lego clone wars ds game

Single-player Multiplayer co-op. Captain Antilles. Clone Shadow Trooper. This is a description taken from LEGO. Please do not modify it. Take control of battalions of clone troopers against the relentless droid army - building bases, deploying vehicles and calling in reinforcements to defeat opponents! Take control of multiple teams in separate locations to complete various objectives! Fight against massive bosses as seen in The Clone Wars animated series, including Gor, the epic Zillo Beast and many other favorites!

Navigate and fly through multi-layered combat throughout the galaxy! Explore exotic locations in a variety of ships throughout 16 different star systems! Use the Force in all new ways to control LEGO objects, solve puzzles, access new areas, pick up and throw enemies - even turning them into weapons! Use new clone weapons including rapid fire guns and rocket launchers! The DS versions menu. Promotional image. The cover for the Wii platform. Clone Troopers on Rugosa. Clone Trooper Jek with a Z-6 Cannon.

Yoda battling Ventress. The Malevolence in a space battle. Nahdar Vebb. Captain Rex. Droids on the Malevolence. Obi-Wan and a Clone aboard the Resolute. Obi-Wan and a Clone on Rugosa. A Clone on Christophsis. Republic forces on Maridun. A Clone Trooper on Rugosa. A Clone Walker on Maridun. A Clone Trooper.

A Clone Trooper near a computer. A Clone Trooper being fan elevated. A Clone Trooper next to several boxes. Ahsoka jumping off from the Twilight. Commando Droids on the Rishi Moon. The Lurmen villagers from Maridun. The Republic Shuttle on the Rishi Moon. Anakin slicing through a door. The Trade Federation Command Ship. All this publication's reviews Read full review. The Clone Wars offers an ambitious step up from previous games in the series, but a ton of small issues across the board lead to boredom and frustration.

Game Informer. The portable versions of the LEGO games have been disappointing, and the trend continues. Nintendo Gamer. Nintendo Life. LEGO Star Wars III is fun, funny and charming, but it fails to innovate on the formula and relies too heavily on consequence-free combat, overly simplistic puzzle solving and automated interactions.

A great example of an OK game. It's not bad, but its uninspired level design and repetitious nature keep it from being a must-buy for any of the portables. Play either as a Jedi or Separatist with all-new. This at the time was the best-looking of all the Lego games.

It had much better lighting, they were able to display more characters on screen at once and the facial animations really help get the story across. New features include: a new pseudo-RTS gameplay mode, improved animations and lighting, and more direct in-game model assembly.

Play either as a Jedi or Separatist with all-new character abilities, such as Squad command, Lightsaber slicing, Lightsaber jumps, long distance Jedi attacks and Grapple Tie-Ups, all within a new, easy-to-navigate hub. Up to two players can switch between different characters to fight enemies in combat, solve puzzles, and progress through various levels. It introduces a few novelties, including scene swap, where players can switch between teams in separate locations to complete multi-part objectives, and boss battles.

This gets a Grapple Pad to build, head to the left a bit and use the Grapple Pad to get back out of the hole. Now head into the LAAT to get to the next area. This is an automatic moving area, so you can't stop moving.

Near the end of the area, the large robot is sitting on a bridge, use the missiles to blast the bridge. Nearby is a Mini-Kit Part sitting in the air, so be sure to grab it. At the end the large robot is waiting for you.

It has giant Lightsabers that are spinning around it. Shoot the robot as much as you can, while avoiding the Lightsabers. Eventually the robot will go down, and you will automatically go to the next area, and the next Act. Act 3: Now you are Anakin, and Obi-Wan. Head up a bit and use the Force on the 2 objects near the door, this makes a bridge overhead. Head to the right a bit, and smash the box to get a Jedi Jump Pad to build. Use it to repel up to the higher area. Use the Force to send a box down to the ground, and then head to the left.

Smash the window with the Blue Box in it, so you can grab the box. Hop down and place the Blue Box on the Blue Spot to the left of the door. Head to the right side of the door, and build the Switch that came out of the box you threw down here. Use the Switch to light the other light, and the door will open. In the next area, head up a bit. Asajj Ventress will show up to fight, she has 2 Lightsabers. As soon as you slash her once, she will run away into a doorway.

Head up the stairs and through the doorway to get to the next area. In the next area Asajj is waiting for you. Head up a bit, and suddenly she breaks the floor under you. Then she will start throwing stuff at you with the Force. Use the Force to throw the objects back at her, after doing 2 of them, she will then try to crush you with large objects. Avoid the shadow, and wait until all 4 come down. Use the Force to move the objects to make some steps, double jump up the steps.

Asajj will start spinning around, so avoid her until she gets dizzy. Then slash her as many times as possible with your Lightsaber. Once her health gets really low, she will break a window and run away.

Head through the window to get to the next area. In the next area, Asajj wil run off the edge of the building, and then she will re-appear inside the large robot from earlier. Stand inside one of the circular areas next to one of the legs. Avoid the attacks, and then smash the leg as many times as you can.

Keep doing this until one of the legs is gone. Repeat on the other side and then use the Force to push the robot off the edge of the building. Then a Cutscene will happen and the level will end. In this area, you are Ahsoka, and Captain Rex. First head down and right a bit to see a target on a stump, use Rex to Sharpshoot the target, and then use Ahsoka to use the Force to make it turn into a platform to cross the water.

Double jump across and head right. A periscope will suddenly appear out of the ground and summon some Battle Droids. Deal with them and some more appear, deal with them as well and some Super Battle Droids will appear.

Deal with those as well, and head to the right. Double jump on top of a stump and use the platforms to jump up the tree. Head down and to the right to get there. Double jump across the gap and head to the right at the end of the path, head up to get to the next area. Then head right and keep going until you reach a pool of water. Hop up the stumps and head to the right to deal with a couple more Battle Droids. Step on the red button to make some platforms in the water appear.

Hop back down to the ground and hop across the platforms. Keep going right to get to the next area. In the next area head right a bit and use Rex to Sharpshoot 2 targets on a statue. This makes some water flow into a pool and the 2 large "Bugs" will head over to the water.

Hop on top of the bugs and use them like a Bounce Pad to get on top of the statue you will need to use Ahsoka to do this. Then hop on top of the ledge above the statue and head to the right. Hop across the gap and hit the flower to make another vine bridge.

Double Jump at the end and head right and then down a bit. Another Periscope will appear, but this time only a couple of Battle Droids will appear. After dealing with them build a gun, and hop in it to blast the red dome to get to the next area, and Act automatically. First of all use the missiles to shoot down any Hyena Droids, and also make sure to shoot the tower using the missiles.

If you blow up the tower you get a Mini-Kit Part. Then after you deal with the Hyena Droids, a radar tower will rise up, use your missiles to blast it. If you need more missiles, be on the lookout for the missile transport ship. After that fly to the purple area to start a bombing run. Use the bombs to blast the tanks, and make sure to blast the hatch at the end. Keep repeating the previous actions Take out air cover, blast the radar tower, and do the bombing run 2 more times.

Note: the air cover in the 2 runs after the first are just Vulture Droids, so you don't need to use missiles to kill them. After you bomb the last hatch you will automatically go to the next area. Then a count-down will start. The goal is to blast 8 Droids before the timer is up, if you do you get a Mini-Kit.

Be warned there is a Destroyer Droid in the mix, so get rid of it as quickly as you can. After dealing with the Droids, head up and use the Force to move some objects, and use the Force again to stop a door from shutting.

Head up and suddenly a Destroyer Droid will appear, however 2 Clone Troopers will drop in and take care of it for you. They also bring a Blue Box to grab. Head up after using it to get to the next area. In the next area a couple of Commando Droids are waiting for you, so deal with them.

Smash the 2 red tubes to lower the force field. Then use the Detonation Pad to blast the generator to bits. Doing so will automatically take you to the next area. This is a "Meanwhille" area. Now you are Anakin, and a Clone Trooper. This is an area that a lot of people get stuck in so pay attention. Head to the left a bit and use the Force to move 2 floor panels.

Head into the one on the right and press the A button to grab onto a switch, hold A and push down on the D-Pad to pull it out. This turns off a light near the door. Head to the left a bit and use the Jedi Jump Pad to get to a platform and do the same thing to the switch up here.

Then head up a bit and use the Force to break a tube, and hop over to where it was, use the Force again to break another tube, and hop over to a platform. Head down a bit, and use a Grapple Pad to turn off the last switch. Head out the door they ran into to get to the next area and Act.

First push the box to under the large water faucet. Then use the Force to make a platform to jump up onto the ledge on the right side of the room. I think because it looks like a rabbit, this makes sense. This makes a plant grow out of the box you pushed earlier. Hop down, and then use Ahsoka to jump on the plant. It acts like a Bounce Pad, with a slight difference, only 1 jump will get you high enough to land on the platform where the LEP Droid is, while the other jump is a lot lower.

As soon as you land on the platform the LEP Droid is on, it runs away through another carrot door. Then the area will automatically change. Now you are Obi-Wan and Anakin. Head to the right and into the lower area. You have to fix the pipe in order to get the water to come out. Hop up to the right platform, and use the Force to drag a grate down.

It lands inside a Venus Fly Trap plant, hop on top of it and quickly build a patch for the pipe. The plant will try to eat you, so be careful. Then head left and use the Jedi Jump Pad to get back up to where the water faucet is at. Push the box under the faucet, and use the nearby Switch to make the water come out.

This makes another plant, now you have to drag and push the box to the left side of the path. To pull it, get near it and press A you will see your character look like it grabs something and hold down A, and use the D-Pad to guide it. At the end of the path, hop on top of the plant, and hop high up to get to the area to the left. Use the Force to make a grate fly up and hit the walkway above you. Head to the right and use the Force to get a Jedi Cut Pad to use on a door.

Slash the flower inside the door to make another vine bridge. Double jump across the gap, and head to the right. Use the Force to make a small platform to jump up to.

This part is a bit tricky, so you might need to do it a couple of times. Double Jump to the left, and make sure to jump the 2nd time at the last possible moment. If you do you will get to another small platform. Repeat the process to jump on top of a Venus Fly Trap, and quickly hop to the left. These platforms will fall down, so quickly jump to the left.

You will get to a walkway with a Red Brick on it. Then hop back down, and head to the large doorway near a carrot door and enter it to get to the next area. Nuvo Vindi. He will try to infect you with the virus by bombing you with it. Look out for the red targets and avoid getting hit. Use the Force to make a platform and Double Jump up to the upper platform.

At the top head down and to the left to smash a red tube. This will make the platform where Dr. Nuvo Vindi is at come down a bit. Head to the right and Double Jump across to the platform to get to the next area. In this area you are riding on the platform with Dr. Nuvo Vindi and some Super Battle Droids. Deal with the Droids first and then beat up on the Dr.

After you deplete his hearts there will be a Cutscene, and the level will end. Freeplay notes: Need a Heavy Trooper in an few areas where you don't have one Need a Droid in an area Need a Separatist in an area Need something that can hover in an area Mission Rewards: After the mission you can buy these Characters in the shop. In the first area you are piloting a Jedi Starfigher. First of all you have to defeat 8 Vulture Droids.

After doing so a Droid Frigate will show up. Now you have to destroy the panels on the Droid Frigate. Use Missiles to do so, remember if you run out of missiles look for the Missile carrier and blast it to get more. After you destroy the panels of the Droid Frigate you will also have to destroy the bridge as well. After doing so a Cutscene will play and you will be taken to the next area automatically.

Head up and deal with the Battle Droids, and keep going up until you reach a force field. Keep an eye out behind you, cause sometimes the Battle Droids will try to sneak up on you.

Some bombs will take down the force field so you can proceed. Head up some more and use Obi-Wan to smash the Vulture Droids that land. Also deal with the Super Battle Droids that come down with the Vultures. Head up a bit more to see a Clone Trooper attempt to cross a laser bridge, only to fall.

Head up some more to get to the next area. In the next area head up. Watch out for the Proximity Explosives you can shoot them to get rid of them and deal with the Battle Droids.

Head up some more and you will come to a wall. Several Battle Droids will rush you so deal with them. Then several more will appear, and a couple will be shooting at you with the mortars, watch out for the red targets to avoid the bombs. Smash the boxes and quickly build a Grapple Pad, use it to drag one of the mortars down. Then use the Force to place it, use the Force again to aim it at the other mortar to blast it, and use the Force once more to aim it at the wall to blast an opening.

Head into the opening to get to the next area, and Act. Head to the right and up a bit, then head left into a small room to grab a Blue Box, head out of the room and down a bit to place it on the Blue Spot.

Head left and hop on top of the awning to use it like a Bounce Pad. Get on the area above the awning and head to the right. Use Boil to use the Detonation Pad to blast a wall to make an opening, head right into the opening to get to the next area.

In the next area, head right and hop down the platforms to get to the lower area. Head down and to the right to see a Probe Droid flying around. Use it with Boil to blast a wall and a Battle Droid , head up through the opening, and then right and down, and then right some more. Some Battle Droids will pop out so deal with them.

Hop back down to the lower area, and hop up the steps, head to the right to get to the next area. In the next area, you will see Numa who is scared of the Probe Droid flying around. Hop down to the lower area to the right, and deal with the Battle Droids.

After you do so, the Probe Droid will crash and Numa will join the party. Head to the right and use Numa to travel through the Travel Chute to a Switch, use it to make a door open. Head back down, and enter the door to get to the next area. This area is pretty small, so it won't take too long. Head to the left and use a Travel Chute to get to a higher ledge. Smash the objects in the way and grab the Blue Box, hop down and head right to place it on the Blue Spot. This gets a Switch to build, use it to make a panel in the floor open.

Hop into the hole in the floor to get to the next area. In the next area, head down a bit, and then to the right. Use a Travel Chute to get to the other side of a gate.

If you want to open the gate, head to the left a bit to use a Switch to do so. Use the Sharpshooter ability to blast a valve, to stop the steam from coming out of a nearby pipe.

Head to the right a bit more and use the Detonation Pad to blast the bars. Head inside and use a Switch to stop the other steam from coming out of the pipe to the right of the previous doorway. Head to the right after you use the Switch to get to the next area, and Act.

Act 3: This is a "Meanwhille You are now Obi-Wan and Commander Cody. Head up the ramp and Double Jump onto the higher area with the Blue Box, grab the box and hop down.

Head to the right to place the box on the Blue Spot, this gets a Detonation Pad to build. Use the Pad to blast a grate on the wall, and head through the opening. Suddenly somebody will stick their head out of a hole. Don't worry, it's just the other group. Now head back to the begining of the area, and use a Detonation Pad near a statue to get a Travel Chute to build. Use it to get to a lower area, and head down, and then left to step on a red button.

Then head back to the other side of the opening. Use a Grapple Pad near the area where the others joined the party to make an awning come out. Hop on the awning and use it like a Bounce Pad to get up to a higher area. Use the Travel Chute up here to get to another ledge.

There is a Switch on this ledge, use it to make a cover on the ground open up. Hop down, and into the hole to get to the next area. In the next area, head to the right. You will come to a large river, there are some platforms floating down the river. Double Jump to cross on the platforms, be careful cause you can go over the edge.

While doing this be on the lookout for a Red Brick that will be floating on one of the platforms. Be sure to grab it if you can. After you cross, head to the right and keep going to the right. Double Jump up to a higher platform and build some gears. This will make a door open to the left. Head to it and enter to get to the next area. Deal with them and then some more Battle Droids will drop in. Head back to the right a bit and use a Detonation Pad to blast a statue, this gets a Grapple Pad to build.

Use it to get up on a higher area with a Blue Box on it. Grab it, and hop back down, head to the left and into the lower area to place it on the Blue Spot.

This gets another Grapple Pad to build. Use it to drag a statue down, this reveals a Jedi Jump Pad. Use it to repel up to a higher area. Use the Force on the Spider Droid to make it shoot another Spider Droid nearby, this makes part of the building blow up and reveals another Battle Droid using the bathroom.

A couple of Battle Droids will show up to deal with. After doing so head into the building and use a Switch, this releases your friends, and after a Cutscene the level will end. After a bit, the Clone Trooper will get blown up, so you don't have him any more. Watch out for the red targets on the ground, the Droids are bombing you.

If you want you can smash the object near the place you land to lower the force field. Keep heading to the right to get to the next area. In the next area head to the right, use the Force to move some rocks to make some steps. Hop up the steps and head right. Some Battle Droids will drop down, so deal with them.

Head to the right and use the Force on a downed vehicle. Use the Sharpshooter ability to blast it out of the sky. Then use the Force to make a bridge, head to the right. Quickly use the Force to move a rock to block the Battle Droid Tank's main gun. A Battle Droid will pop out, and run away, opening a force field. Deal with the Battle Droids nearby, and a couple of more will drop down across a small gap. Deal with them, and a couple of Super Battle Droids will come out, deal with them as well.

Then head into the opening to get to the next area, and Act. Head to the right a bit and deal with the Battle Droids. Head up a bit from here, and build another pillar.

Then head to the left and hop up to a higher area to use the Force to build another pillar. Doing so will lower a statue, with a Mini-Kit Part on it.

Then head down the ramp near the statue to get to the next area. After they "pop out" deal with them. There will also be some Battle Droids in the area to deal with. Head to the right and use a Detonation Pad to unblock the path. Then head right some more to deal with another "ambush" Super Battle Droid near a wing.

Use the Jedi Cut Pad this is a straight cut, instead of the usual circle cuts to make the wing into a ramp. Hop up on the wing and head up. Deal with the Battle Droids, and head into the doorway to get to the next area. Head down, and smash the box in the way, then head right. Ignore the weird looking creature in the cages, since you really can't do anything to get to it.

Head to the right and you will see a couple of Battle Droids have a friend in a cage, they are making fun of your friend. Head to them and blast them. Then several Battle Droids will drop down. The friend will reveal a secret door. Head into it to get to the next area.


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